Lingaraj & Co

Income Tax | Returns Filing - Step 2 [b] : Filling-up Form ITR-2, for Individual / HUF with Additional Income [other than TDS1 & TDS2]

Thursday, 11 July 2013
ITR-2 is for Individual / HUF with additional source of Income, other than the standard deductibles under TDS1 [Salary] & TDS2 [Renumerated].
  • Who CAN use this Return Form?
    • This Return Form is to be used by an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family whose total income for the assessment year 2013-14 includes:-
      • (a) Income from Salary / Pension; or
      • (b) Income from House Property; or
      • (c) Income from Capital Gains; or
      • (d) Income from Other Sources (including Winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses). Further, in a case where the income of another person like spouse, minor child, etc. is to be clubbed with the income of the assessee, this Return Form can be used where such income falls in any of the above categories.
  • Who CANNOT use this Return Form?
    • This Return Form should not be used by an individual whose total income for the assessment year 2013-14 includes Income from Business or Profession.
This is much more complicated than the ITR-1, it is advisable to be left to the professionals or to be filed under professional guidance. For complete help click here, and for professional help, click here.
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Income Tax | Returns Filing - Step 2 [a] : Filling-up Form ITR-1, For Salaried Employee [under TDS1 or TDS2]

Wednesday, 10 July 2013
For Individuals / HUF having Income from Salary / Pension / Income from One House Property [excluding loss brought forward from previous years] / Income from Other Sources [Excluding Winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses]

ITR-1 is for salaried individual or HUF  [with TDS1 accumulation], with no other income sources other than salary or renumeration contract employee [with TDS2 accumulation] or both.

It is also one of the most simple Income-Tax Returns-Filing, with very few fields, with just 4 pages to fill up. Lets do it in the traditional step by step process.
  1. Income Details: In the First page, it is the basic information [like, name, DoB, PAN, IT Ward & Section, Annual Salary/Pension, Income from One House,  etc].
  2. TDS: In the Second page, the TDS details from Form 16, Form 16A & any Advance Tax Paid or Self Assessment Tax paid/payable details are to be filled.
  3. Taxes Paid and Verification
  4. Section 80G Deductions: [Refer article Section 80] There are 4 different sub sections under 80G, which are explained in the before said page-link.
If you are still unsure and need professional help, feel free to contact us for our extended [payable] services.
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Income Tax | Returns Filing - Step 1 : Selecting ITR Form

Thursday, 30 May 2013
A Guide to Choosing the 'Correct' ITR Form for an Assessee.
  • This page helps to identify the right ITR form for an Assessee.
  • To choose the right ITR Form, first identify the 'Status of Assessee'.
  • If you are not able to Identify the correct 'Assessee Status', visit Know Your PAN page..
After Identifying the Status, Select the Form referring the table below:

Sr #
Status of Assessee
ITR Form(s)
ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3 or ITR-4
Hindu Undivided Family
ITR-1, ITR-2, ITR-3 or ITR-4
Association of Person
Body Of Individuals

Now, you must be wondering why there are 4 ITR forms for Individuals and HUF. Visit "Why Four ITR Forms for Individuals / HUF?" Page for more details.

If you know your correct ITR form, then download the latest from the official site [here] and proceed to Step 2.
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Income Tax | Filing Returns - Why Four ITR Forms for Individuals / HUF?

Thursday, 16 May 2013
The 4 forms are designed on a hierarchical order and the forms should be referred as below. The 'Assessee' with lower form relevance should not go for higher one.

Case # Income from Salaries and Interest under head
“Other Sources”
Any income
other than “Partnership”,
Income from Partnership in business Income from Proprietorship business ITR Form
Case 1.  Yes X X X ITR - 1
Case 2. Yes / No Yes X X  ITR - 2 
Case 3. Yes / No Yes / No Yes X  ITR - 3 
Case 4. Yes / No Yes / No Yes / No Yes  ITR - 4 

Sources/Details of Income
Individual, HUF
1Income from Salary/PensionYes YesYesYesX
2Income from Other Sources (only Interest Income or Family Pension)Yes YesYesYesX
3Income/Loss from Other SourcesXYesYesYesX
4Income/Loss from House PropertyXYesYesYesX
5Capital Gains/Loss on sale of investments/propertyXYesYesYesX
6Partner in a Partnership FirmXXYesYesX
7Income from Proprietary Business/ProfessionXXXYesX
8Income from Presumptive BusinessXXXXYes
9Details of Foreign AssetsXYesYesYesX

Sr.#DetailsITR Form No.
1For Firms, AOPs and BOIsITR 5
2For Companies, other than companies claiming exemption under section 11ITR 6
3For person required to furnish return under section 139(4A)/ (4B) / (4C)/ (4D)ITR 7
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Income Tax | Know Your 'PAN'

Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Permanent Account Number or simply PAN  is a ten-digit alphanumeric number, issued in the form of a printed plastic [earlier days, it was paper printed & laminated] card, by the Income Tax Department [Government of India], to any “Indian-national applicant” who applies for it or in some cases to whom the department allots the number without an application.

An example of how a PAN card looks like.
PAN enables the department to link all transactions of the “person” with the department. These transactions include tax payments, TDS / TCS credits, returns of income / wealth / gift / FBT, specified transactions, correspondence, and so on. PAN, thus, acts as an identifier for the “person” with the tax department.

PAN was introduced to facilitates linking of various documents, including payment of taxes, assessment, tax demand, tax arrears etc. relating to an assessee, to facilitate easy retrieval of information and to facilitate matching of information relating to investment, raising of loans and other business activities of taxpayers collected through various sources, both internal as well as external, for detecting and combating tax evasion and widening of tax base.

A typical PAN, for example looks like this. AFZPK7190K.
  • First three characters i.e. 'AFZ' in the above PAN are alphabetic series running from AAA to ZZZ
  • Fourth character of PAN i.e. 'P' in the above PAN represents the status of the PAN holder. 'P' stands for Individual, 'F' stands for Firm, 'C' stands for Company, 'H' stands for HUF, 'A' stands for AOP, 'T' stands for TRUST etc. [refer the table below for better understanding]
  • Fifth character i.e. 'K' in the above PAN represents first character of the PAN holder’s last name/surname.
  • Next four characters i.e. '7190' in the above PAN are sequential number running from 0001 to 9999.
  • Last character i.e. 'K' in the above PAN is an alphabetic check digit.

 Status of Assessee
Fourth Character of PAN
 Individual Person
 Hindu Undivided Family
 Association of Persons [AOP]
 Body Of Individuals[BOI]
 Trust [AOP]
 Local Authority
 Artificial Judicial Person

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